Site Map
- News
- Student Attention is Down, Restorative Practices Can Bring It Back
- Sethu Laxmi Nair Brings Expertise in Creative Conflict Resolution to the IIRP Board of Trustees
- Student Spotlight: Mary Ferguson
- Restorative Work in Prisons Across the Globe
- Parents, School Community, and a Tailored Approach to School-Wide Implementation
- Global Spotlights: Celebrations
- Empowering Education: Leveraging the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program
- Responding to NPR’s Recent Article About Employee Retention: Restorative Practices and Recognition
- Student Spotlight: Marti McCaleb
- Uniting School Communities in Contentious Times: Navigating the Election with Restorative Practices
- Two New Faculty Join the IIRP
- Save the Date for the Higher Education Forum
- The Transformative Power of Relationship and Belonging
- Student Spotlight: Kelli Krieger
- New Frontiers in Restorative Justice: From Personal Reconciliation to Systemic Change
- Student Spotlight: Natasha Akery
- Student Spotlight: Michele Chubirka
- Learner Spotlight: Gina Daus of Edmonton Catholic Schools
- Student Spotlight: James Mureithi
- Student Spotlight: Matt Crowe
- IIRP Leaders Join Special TV Program
- Student Spotlight: Jamee Cox
- IIRP Welcomes New Provost for Academic Affairs, Michael Valdez Raffanti, Ed.D.
- Student Spotlight: Elana Strout
- Provost Transition and Appreciation
- Student Spotlight: Joseph Iacona
- The IIRP Board of Trustees Welcomes New Members
- IIRP Provost Search is Underway
- A Restorative Practices Strategy to Advance Community Health
- Impact Scholarship Program Application Opening
- Peel School District in Ontario, Canada
- Beyond Zero Tolerance - Documentary on Implementing Restorative Practices Around the World
- The Alliance School of Milwaukee Restorative Practices Model
- Schools resolve conflicts by getting kids to talk things out
- A New Way of Learning: Restorative Practices
- Discovering Your Next Step – Inspired Learning at the Graduate Level
- Scholar Practitioners Transforming Their Communities
- Fostering Equity in Schools Through Restorative Leadership
- Leading Change with Youth Mentors
- Supporting Youth Through Restorative Practices
- Restorative Practices and Community Health
- Professional Learning Through a Restorative Lens
- Self-Care and Nurturing in Troubled Times
- The Power of Listening Circles
- Virtual Relationship-Building in Higher Education
- Healthy Academic Institutions
- Teaching Restorative in Times of Covid
- Intentional Classroom Engagement: Author Chat
- Building Community: Consulting for Creative Partnerships
- Processing Trauma Using the Relational Care Ladder
- Creative Restorative Practices in the Classroom
- Complexity and Restorative Practices
- Ancient Wisdom: What the p'urhépecha community can teach us about restorative approaches
- IIRP’s new podcast highlights the voices and visions of leaders in restorative practices across the globe
- Creating Cultural Change in Education: Implementation Science and Human Capital Theory
- The IIRP Publishes 2022 Restorative Works Magazine
- The International Institute for Restorative Practices Announces 2023 Online World Conference and Key Speakers
- Making a Difference in Colombia’s Juvenile Court System
- The International Institute for Restorative Practices Inaugurates New President and Expands its Impact Scholarship Program
- Restorative conference for murder in national news
- Present Your Content at the IIRP 2023 World Conference
- Presidential Inauguration - Linda J. Kligman, Ph.D.
- Providing space for change
- Three Questions – Episode 4 featuring Ramin Sedehi
- IIRP scholarship recipient committed to youth in Kenya
- Consequence vs. punishment
- Reducing math anxiety utilizing Restorative Practices approaches
- Practically Speaking – Former Principal Peggy Barrette looks at Restorative Practices in Schools
- Restorative justice basic resource kit
- Podcast: Restorative justice in a school setting with Caroline Gosling
- Meet Pat Lewis, new director of IIRP Canada
- Three Questions – Episode 3 featuring Lauren Bailey
- Three Questions – Episode 2 featuring Steven Lozada
- Kailani Capote awarded IIRP Impact Scholarship
- Three Questions – Episode 1 featuring Zach Mercurio
- IIRP partners with Microsoft Educator Center on Anti-Racism Journey
- Advances in restorative justice in Europe
- New workbooks bring restorative practices directly to students
- Widening circles in organizational leadership
- Using Circles to Cope with the Eruption of Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala
- Leadership begins with you: Interview with author Daniel Goleman
- Working from home during the pandemic with small children
- Left, Right, Restorative?
- Trudy Junkroski awarded 2020 Shawn Suzch Scholarship
- IIRP Canada bids farewell to Director Bruce Schenk, welcomes Pat Lewis
- Responsive circles for COVID-19
- During the COVID-19 crisis, restorative practices can help
- IIRP Latin America Conference: Justice and Education with a Restorative Vision
- Congreso Justicia y Educación con Visión Restaurativa
- IIRP expands research offerings, faculty
- Alumna makes things right after scary traffic incident
- Community invited to opening session of IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, on healing violence, polarization and sexual abuse
- Connecting community health and restorative practices
- 2019 IIRP Europe Conference: Community Well-Being and Resilience
- The IIRP Class of 2019: We choose to engage
- Graduating with a brighter future
- IIRP scholarship awarded to teacher, diversity and inclusion supporter
- Creatively spreading restorative practices across Singapore
- Restorative practices — A science of human dignity
- Developing relationships is real work
- How circle rituals can build community resilience
- Coaching through relationships
- Student activism using restorative practices
- Circling up with our street neighbors
- Grow or go
- Miami students have a voice!
- From anti-semitism to empathy
- Research shows restorative practices improves school climate, reduces student suspensions and discipline disparities
- Simple isn't easy
- Virtual reality and innovative 21st century education
- 2018 IIRP World Conference: Strengthening the spirit of community
- Creating a deliberately developmental organization
- Start off the year with restorative practices
- Transforming gang culture through social emotional connections
- Horseshoes and hand grenades: When “close enough" isn’t good enough
- Expect respect: Including and valuing everyone
- Transforming norms: Commitment in Detroit
- Strengthening communities: Impacting children and families
- Be radically transparent
- Circles ease insecurity and devastation in Nicaragua and Guatemala
- The Power of WITH: A Buxmont Academy Graduation
- The 2015 IIRP World Conference: Restorative Works: Share. Teach. Engage.
- 2016 IIRP Latin America Conference: Costa Rica
- 2018 IIRP Canada Conference: Leading and Sustaining Change
- Award goes to innovative restorative justice work led by IIRP faculty
- Restorative Justice: The Role of the Community
- Don’t Manage Conflict. Lead it.
- Background Paper on New Zealand Youth Justice Process
- Engaging communities for a safer Detroit
- Building Community Support for Restorative Justice: Principles and Strategies
- Special needs students gain essential social skills with restorative practices
- President's Blog: Empathy Is Overrated
- Restorative Justice and a Better Future
- Bethlehem Police Family Group Conferencing Project
- Univest donates to Buxmont Academy
- Aboriginal People and Justice Issues
- Restorative practices and social-emotional learning go hand in hand
- Commencement 2017
- Community Is Not a Place: A New Look at Community Justice Initiatives
- President's Blog: Toxic workplace behavior profile: The submarine
- The Dynamics of Navajo Peacemaking
- Video: There's more than one side to every story
- From Empathy to Community
- CCNP Conferencing Project, April 1998
- IIRP Canada facilitates healing, justice and self-determination with Indigenous Canadians through restorative practices
- President's Blog: Creative vs. toxic conflict at work
- Community Group Conferencing Evaluation Forms
- President's Blog: Conflict: Love it and lead it
- Police Attitude Questionnaire
- Schools across the Southeast adopt non-punitive discipline approaches and improve school climate
- Restorative Policing Experiment: The Bethlehem Pennsylvania Police Family Group Conferencing Project
- Restorative Policing Experiment Summary: The Bethlehem Pennsylvania Police Family Group Conferencing Project
- In remembrance of Dr. Donald Nathanson
- Restorative Justice in New Zealand: Family Group Conferences as a Case Study
- High school students come together and heal after a racial conflict
- Making Amends: Final Evaluation of the Queensland Community Conferencing Pilot
- IIRP history, mission and projects featured in Restorative Justice International Podcast
- New faculty from Latin America and U.S. enrich IIRP Graduate School diversity of knowledge, experience and academic rigor
- Linking Crime Prevention to Restorative Justice
- President's Blog: Respond to workplace bullying with the power of story and voice
- Conferencing and the Community
- Curbing Crime in Aboriginal Communities
- IIRP hosts vibrant international learning community during 2017 World Conference
- From Wagga Wagga to Minnesota
- Respect and a voice for everyone in the school community: Restorative practices for all Pittsburgh Public Schools
- IIRP Canada launches resources for Indigenous and French-speaking communities
- Restorative Parole
- Future school leaders at Columbia Teachers College learn restorative practices
- Papers from the 1998 conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Police-Facilitated Restorative Conferencing: What the Data Show
- President's Blog: The benefits and pathology of extremism
- A Romanian school holds circle to build bridges with Syrian refugees
- Restorative Justice and School Discipline: Mutually Exclusive?
- Restorative Justice in Everyday Life: Beyond the Formal Ritual
- Building supportive school community through social and emotional learning: a World Conference highlight
- Restorative Practices in Business: Building a Community for Learning and Change Within Organizations
- President's Blog: Confronting up: Four steps for giving your boss constructive feedback
- SaferSanerSchools: Restoring Community in a Disconnected World
- IIRP Graduate School awards first Shawn Suzch Scholarships, supporting innovative, aspirational students
- IIRP World Conference to focus on the future of learning
- Justicia Restaurativa en la Vida Cotidiana: Más Allá del Ritual Formal
- Finding her voice: A true story of trauma and survival
- Restorative Justice: Assessing an Immodest Theory and a Pessimistic Theory
- President's Blog: What marriage has taught me about being a good colleague
- Community Holistic Circle Healing
- QNB Bank donates to Buxmont Academy
- Democracy, Community and Problem Solving
- Music inspiring change in a violent place
- The Family Group Conference — 10 Years On
- IIRP Latin America influences education and justice
- Family Group Conference Connections: Shared Problems and Joined Up Solutions
- If We Were Serious About Public Safety, What Would It Look Like?
- IIRP Founder Ted Wachtel and alumna Ayesha Brooks recognized at NACRJ conference
- President's Blog: Higher education for a new century
- Mainstreaming Family Group Conferencing: Building and Sustaining Partnerships
- New faculty member joins IIRP Graduate School
- Restorative Justice Practice: The State of the Field 1999
- IIRP students: Transforming concerns into actions
- Virginia Conferencing Project: A Four-Site Evaluation
- Papers from the 1999 conference in Burlington, Vermont, USA
- IIRP Canada Restorative Justice Forum fosters inclusiveness and promise for change
- Conflict in Europe: Meeting the Challenge (of which sessions to attend)!
- Can Police Services Deliver Sound and Safe Restorative Practice
- Conferencing: A Group Process That Promotes Resiliency
- A nursing home that feels like home
- Ireland's second highest official to address IIRP Europe conference attendees
- Conferencing a Serious Arson Case
- From Silos to Circles: Reclaiming Restorative Practices
- New film explores how two judges are restoring "Tribal Justice"
- Program Design: The Family Group Conferencing Project — Etobicoke
- How to engage body and mind to transform trauma: The 2017 IIRP Summer Symposium
- EFRJ announces Summer School 2017
- Questions for Restorative Justice Practitioners to Consider When Creating and Implementing a Victim-centered and Victim-balanced Program
- President's Blog: Globalism and community in the 21st century
- Restorative Aspects in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
- Restorative Justice and Police Complaints
- President's Blog: How to convert “law and order” critics of restorative practices
- Restorative Practices Seen by the Court
- Restorative practices in an Illinois middle school
- Papers from the 2000 conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- President's Blog: Do's and don'ts for improving student behavior
- Can restorative principles restore civil society?
- Community Justice Volunteer Mobilization Project: Final Project Report
- Restorative Analysis Demonstrates Power of Conferencing
- Creating healthy school climates by integrating reform efforts
- Practitioners to advance restorative justice at IIRP Canada event
- Dreaming of a New Reality: Welcoming Remarks
- The power of suspending judgment and blame
- Faculty Position Open at IIRP Grad School
- Dreaming of a New Reality for Troubled Youth in Hungary
- Breaking cycles of violence and radicalization a focus of IIRP Europe Conference
- Circle Sentencing: Part of the Restorative Justice Continuum
- The Family Unity Meeting Program in the County of San Diego Child Protection Setting
- Transforming corrections from the inside out
- Restorative Practice in Prisons: Circles and Conferencing in the Custodial Setting
- IIRP student awarded MLK Jr. Human Relations Award
- Five keys for gaining parent and family buy-in for restorative practices
- Transforming School Culture
- The Worst School I've Ever Been To: Empirical Evaluations of a Restorative School and Treatment Milieu
- UK group seeks input from victims of crime and offenders
- Papers from the IIRP's 2002 conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Restorative practices and social justice
- IIRP Class of 2016 celebrates Commencement
- Toward a unified theory of restorative practices and governance
- IIRP Europe Conference, Dublin, to address society's greatest relational challenges
- Community Service Foundation program awarded Community-Based Program of the Year by Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges' Commission
- Long Term and Immediate Outcomes of Family Group Conferencing in Washington State (June 2001)
- Executive Summary of "Evaluation of a Restorative Milieu: CSF Buxmont School/Day Treatment Programs 1999-2001"
- Research Brief of "Evaluation of a Restorative Milieu: CSF Buxmont School/Day Treatment Programs 1999-2001"
- Reflections on "Dreaming of a New Reality": The IIRP's Third International Conference
- Restorative Justice and School Violence: Building Theory and Practice
- Conferencing: A New Approach for Juvenile Justice in Honolulu
- Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE)
- Evaluation of a Restorative Milieu: CSF Buxmont School/Day Treatment Programs 1999-2001, Evaluation Outcome Technical Report
- Proceed With Caution: An Evaluation of the Thames Valley Police Initiative in Restorative Cautioning
- Conferencing, Policing and Community
- Restorative Practices Impact Public Schools in Minnesota: An Interview with Nancy Riestenberg of the Minnesota Department of Children Families and Learning
- A New Reality for Troubled Youth in Hungary: An Update
- Family Group Conferencing Worldwide: Part One in a Series
- Community Conferencing: An Interview with Gena Gerard
- Family Group Conferencing Worldwide: Part Two in a Series
- Restorative Practices and Policing: An Interview with Paul Schnell
- Family Group Conferencing Worldwide: Part Three in a Series
- Building Restorative Prisons
- UK Home Office Consultation Document: "Restorative Justice — the Government's Strategy"
- In Pursuit of Paradigm: A Theory of Restorative Justice
- En busca de un paradigma: una teoría sobre justicia restaurativa
- En busca de un paradigma: una teoría sobre justicia restaurativa
- Em Busca de um Paradigma: Uma Teoria de Justiça Restaurativa
- The Wet'suwet'en Unlocking Aboriginal Justice Program: Restorative Practices in British Columbia, Canada
- Restorative Conferences with Serious Juvenile Offenders: An Experiment in Belgium
- Hampshire County, UK: A Place of Innovation for Family Group Conferencing
- Albert Eglash and Creative Restitution: A Precursor to Restorative Practices
- Addressing Child Protection and Group Care Issues Through the Use of Family Group Conferencing
- Restorative Practices in a Dutch School
- Restorative Justice Without Offender Participation: A Pilot Program for Victims
- The Northern Territory Police Pre-Court Juvenile Diversion Scheme: A Preventative and Restorative Approach to Juvenile Offending
- The Community Conferencing Center: Restorative Practices in Baltimore, Maryland
- Adult Restorative Justice in New Zealand/Aotearoa
- Restorative Practices with Sweden's Homeless: The Stockholm City Mission
- Against Penal Instrumentalism
- "A Survey of Assessment Research on Mediation and Restorative Justice" by Paul McCold: A Summary
- Promising Results, Potential New Directions: International FGDM Research and Evaluation in Child Welfare
- Report on the Fifth International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and other Restorative Practices
- Restorative Practices at Community Prep High School in New York City
- Papers from the IIRP's 2003 conference in Veldhoven, Netherlands
- Restorative Justice Conferencing with Young Offenders at Brookside Youth Centre and Secondary School, Cobourg, Ontario, Canada: Interview with Michael Maguire, Bruce Schenk and Ron Cameron
- Transforming School Culture: An Update
- Follow-Up Research Confirms Positive Effect of a Restorative Milieu on Young Offenders
- The Nanaimo Community Justice Forum: A Restorative Justice Partnership in British Columbia, Canada
- Restorative Practices at Queanbeyan South, an Australian Primary School
- Values and Principles of Restorative Justice in Criminal Matters
- Family Group Decision Making Reunites a Family
- Restorative Justice Takes the World Stage at United Nations Crime Congress
- Restorative Justice Program Guidelines
- Home Work: Life in the CSF Residential Program
- PEASE Academy: The Restorative Recovery School
- IIRP president discusses restorative practices in schools in interview featured on Education World website
- Beyond Punishment: Restorative Community Service
- Restorative Justice Practices of Native American, First Nation and Other Indigenous People of North America: Part One
- From Sanctions to Support: Restorative Practices Transform Homes for Looked-after Children in the UK
- Restorative Justice Practices of Native American, First Nation and Other Indigenous People of North America: Part Two
- Restorative Conferencing in Inner-city Albany: From Retribution to Resolution
- Courageous Communities: Circles of Support and Accountability with Individuals Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses
- Restorative Practices as a Tool for Organizational Change: The Bessels Leigh School
- From Restorative Justice to Restorative Practices: Expanding the Paradigm
- Restorative Justice in Schools in Surrey, British Columbia
- The Sefton Centre for Restorative Practice: A Restorative Community in the Making
- The Jerry Lee Program Research on Restorative Justice: Promising Results
- Mapping the Restorative Universe: A Plenary Process to Promote a Global Alliance
- Family Group Conferencing as a First Choice: Empowerment Versus Intervention
- John Braithwaite: Peacebuilder, Social Scientist and Restorative Justice Activist
- Graduation at a CSF Buxmont School: A Triumphant Step into the Future
- Restorative Conferences Reduce Trauma from Crime, Study Shows
- The Chard and Ilminster Community Justice Panel: Restorative Community Justice
- The Game: Restorative Community Supervision for Adult Offenders
- The IIRP's International Conference Takes the Next Step: Restorative Communities
- Major U.K. Newspaper Publishes Piece on Restorative Justice
- Restorative Conferencing for Serious Offenses: An Exploration
- MetroKids Magazine Highlights the IIRP's SaferSanerSchools Program
- United Nations Releases "Handbook of Restorative Justice Programmes"
- RJ in the Land of the Long White Cloud: New Zealand Embraces Restorative Justice for Adult Offenders
- Restorative Justice for Juveniles in Hong Kong: Reflections of a Practitioner
- Restorative Practices in Schools: Research Reveals Power of Restorative Approach, Part I
- The Mackillop Model of Restorative Practice
- Restorative Justice: The Evidence — Report Draws Attention to RJ in the UK
- Building Safe and Healthy School Communities: Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation
- Restorative Practices in Schools: Research Reveals Power of Restorative Approach, Part II
- Healing in Our Land: Jamaica Hosts International Conference on Restorative Justice
- The Development of Restorative Justice in the UK: A Personal Perspective
- Building Family Empowerment: CSF Buxmont's Individual Service Plans
- Regulating Police Discretion: An Assessment of the Impact of the New South Wales Young Offenders Act 1997
- The Family Group Conference 14-Year Journey: Celebrating the Successes, Learning the Lessons, Embracing the Challenges
- American Psychological Association Report Challenges School Zero Tolerance Policies and Recommends Restorative Justice
- Report on the Sixth International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and other Restorative Practices
- Restorative Programs Help Hawaii Inmates Reconnect with Community
- Study Reports on Success of Family Group Conferences in Schools in Hampshire County, England, UK
- A Family Plan Forged Out of Commitment and Love: An FGDM Story
- Restoring Community in a Disconnected World: The Inaugural Address of IIRP Graduate School Founding President Ted Wachtel
- Nationwide US Publication Reports on Restorative Practices in Schools
- The Netherlands' Eigen Kracht Holds 1000th Family Group Conference
- A Restorative Community Circle
- Restorative Conferencing in Thailand: A Resounding Success with Juvenile Crime
- Long-established Magazine "Good Housekeeping" Publishes Article on Restorative Justice
- Improving Citizenship and Restoring Community: The 10th Conference of the International Institute for Restorative Practices
- Effective and Humane Youth Policy Starts by Treating Youth with Respect
- Happy 30th Anniversary CSF
- Restorative Practices in Australia's Schools: Strong Relationships and Multi-School Summits Help Schools
- Research Shows that Social and Emotional Learning Improves Academic Achievement
- High School in Singapore Adopts Restorative Practices
- CSF Buxmont: The Power of Community
- New Zealand Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Evaluation
- New Colorado Law Authorizes Restorative Justice Conferences for Adjudicated Youth
- Beyond Zero Tolerance: A Reality-Based Approach to Drug Education and Student Assistance
- Community Service Foundation and Buxmont Academy (CSF Buxmont): Analysis of Students Discharged During Three School Years (2003-2006)
- Not Just a Degree, a Movement: The IIRP Graduate School Confers its First 14 Master's Degrees
- New Colorado Law Authorizes Restorative Justice Conferences for Adjudicated Youth, Part 2
- The Next Step: Developing Restorative Communities
- The Kinship Gap?: Family Group Decision Making and Family Group Conferencing - Bridging the Gap
- Restorative Practices at Integrated College Dungannon, Northern Ireland, a High School for Protestant and Catholic Students
- Restorative Justice Pioneer Terry O'Connell Awarded Honorary Doctorate: Offers Reflections in Speech
- Working and Living in a Restorative Milieu
- Restorative Approaches in Schools: A Perspective from England
- Restorative Justice Reduces Crime and Saves Money: UK Ministry of Justice Report
- Restorative Justice: Family and Community Group Conferencing (FCGC) in Thailand
- Hull, UK, on Track to Becoming a Restorative City
- Report on the IIRP's 7th International Conference, "The Next Step: Developing Restorative Communities"
- Empowering the Next Generation: Restorative Practices in a Preschool
- Toward Peace and Justice in Brazil: Dominic Barter and Restorative Circles
- Victims of crime reject notion of retribution
- Power, Authority and Restorative Practices
- Restorative Community Policing in the UK: Dorset, Cheshire and Norfolk Constables Point the Way
- Restorative Practices and the Transformation at West Philadelphia High School
- The Second Commencement Ceremony of the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Graduate School
- Family Group Decision Making Helps Prison Inmates Reintegrate into Society
- Reflections on the Restorative Conference Facilitator's Script
- The Children's Aid Society of New York: A New Start for Disconnected Youth
- Beautiful Humans: The IIRP's 12th World Conference
- My Classroom's Journey with Restorative Practices
- Sefton Centre for Restorative Practices: Heading for a Restorative Community
- Coming Together for Sam: FGDM (FGC) Helps a Family Find a Solution of Its Own
- An Invitation to RJ City(SM)
- Restorative Practices in Israel: The State of the Field
- The Sanctuary Model: A Restorative Approach for Human Services Organizations
- Restorative Practices in Hungary: Transforming Schools and Prisons
- Restorative Practices in the Souderton Area School District
- Restorative Approaches in Scottish Schools: Transformations and Challenges
- My Life and Work with Restorative Practices
- Mexico and New Orleans Learn About Restorative Practices
- Family Group Decision Making: My Steps in the Journey
- The Movement Continues: The Third Commencement of the IIRP Graduate School
- IIRP Summer Training Institute Spreads Restorative Practices Worldwide
- Papers from the 8th International Conference on Conferencing, Bethlehem 2006
- "Beyond All Belief": Restorative Practices at St Edmund's Primary School, Norfolk, UK
- Restorative Services: Bringing a Framework for Improved School Culture to Public Schools
- Justifying Restorative Justice: A Theoretical Justification for the Use of Restorative Justice Practices
- Dreams from the Monster Factory: A Restorative Prison Program for Violent Offenders
- Welcome to Hull, the World's First Restorative City, Site of the 2010 IIRP World Conference: Restorative Practices Across Disciplines
- Healing After a Student Suicide: Restorative Circles at the University of Vermont
- An Eloquent Expression of Restorative Justice
- The Restorative Approach in Nova Scotia: A Partnership of Government, Communities and Schools
- How Restorative Practices Made Me a High School Principal
- Restorative Practices: Whole-School Change to Build Safer, Saner School Communities
- Netherlands Child Protection Law Grants Families the Right to Make a Plan
- Observations of the Day
- Full report of evaluation of restorative practices in 3 Scottish councils
- Definition of Restorative Practices
- John Braithwaite's Keynote at IIRP's 14th International Conference
- Ambassadors for Restorative Practices: The Fourth Commencement of the IIRP Graduate School
- Transitioning from Peer to Supervisor #1
- Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 1
- Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 2
- Restorative Practices in Workplaces
- Prácticas Restaurativas en América Latina: Parte 1
- A Different Way: Supervision at a Day Shelter for Homeless Women in Sweden
- Prácticas Restaurativas en América Latina: Parte 2
- UK Department for Education Report Recommends Restorative Approach to Bullying in Schools
- Victim-Offender Mediation in Hungary
- Face to Face
- About the Jumpstart Programme of the Zöld kakas líceum
- Restorative Practices in Latin America
- Excellent Online Resource
- Making Sense of Restorative Practices Research
- The Experience of SOS Children's Villages Association Hungary
- Responsive Circle on a Youth Work Crew
- Big Changes Start with Little Steps
- Restorative Conference in Singapore
- Colorado's New Restorative Justice Law Goes Into Effect
- The Origins of Restorative Conferencing
- Restorative Practices in a Canadian School Context
- John Braithwaite Revisited
- Relationship of Bullying in Schools to Test Scores
- Citizens First: FGDM Promotes Citizenship
- Turning The Tide: Bringing Restorative Practices to Schools, Organizations, Workplaces and Communities
- Restorative Practices: A Vision of Hope
- Minority Students More Likely to Pass Through Metal Detectors
- From the Archives: Shannon Pakura on FGC/FGDM
- Whole School Change in Bethlehem School District
- Papers from the 10th IIRP World Conference, Budapest 2007
- Two Upcoming IIRP Fall Intensives
- UK Restorative Justice Council Launches National Register of Restorative Practioners
- IIRP Canada Fall Institute
- Restorative Justice in Bulgaria with Prison Fellowship International
- Restorative Practices in Australia's Schools: Strong Relationships and Multi-School Summits Help Schools “Be and Learn” Together
- National Week of Action on School Pushout
- Australian Radio Program Presents Show on Restorative Justice
- October is a Big Month for Focusing Attention on Schools
- Restorative Justice in Colorado
- Today's News on Youth Detention
- University of Vermont in Second Year of Restorative Practices Implementation
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel to Attend 3 Major European Conferences
- Radio Interview with Ted Wachtel
- From the Librarian: Starting with the Basics
- Family Decision Making in a Changing Context
- Apology and Forgiveness
- Building Community, Building Peace
- Restorative Practices in Canadian Schools: An Evolving Journey
- Restorative Practices in Brazil's Youth Justice and Public School Systems
- Walla Walla Prison Restorative Dialogue
- IIRP Accreditation Celebration - Part 1
- IIRP Accreditation Celebration - Part 2
- Restorative Justice Pioneer Terry O'Connell Awarded Honorary Doctorate
- Federal Probation publishes paper on court-centered restorative justice pilot program in Hawai'i
- IIRP Accreditation Celebration - Part 3
- Papers from the 11th IIRP World Conference, Toronto 2008
- From the Archives: In Pursuit of Paradigm
- From Whence Forgiveness
- Changes to IIRP Intro Courses
- Escaping Our Silos: Creating a Unified Strategy for Social Care, Education and Criminal Justice
- Assistant Professor Dr. Carol Thomas in Prevention Researcher
- University of San Diego Pilots RJ Program for Students
- Outcome Report on Community Service Foundation's FGDM Conferencing Program
- Student-facilitated RJ at Longmont High School
- New IIRP report — "Improving School Climate: Findings from Schools Implementing Restorative Practices"
- From the Archives: Hull, UK Toward a Restorative City
- U.K. Ministry of Justice Report Finds Restorative Justice Conferencing Reduces Reoffending an Average of 27 Percent, Satisfies Victims and Saves Money
- Thought for the Weekend
- Restorative Justice Week in Canada Coming Soon!
- "Federal Probation" Publishes Paper on "Pono Kaulike: Restorative Justice and Solution-Focused Approaches to Domestic Violence in Hawaii"
- Reporting on Student Suspensions in NYC
- Restorative Practices in Hungary: An Ex-prisoner is Reintegrated into the Community
- Penn State's response to child sexual abuse: What about the victims? — RJ Online
- Video of Day: Flowers - Making An Impact Campaign
- Restorative Collaboration: The Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program
- UK RJ Practitioners Register Update
- Restorative Justice? What's That?
- My Restorative Journey and the Story of Hull, UK
- From Daily Kos: When a Football Coach Does the Right Thing.
- Understanding Victims of Crime and Their Need to Deal with the Victim/Offender Trauma Bond: The 15 Elements of the Crime Victim Detour
- Restorative Justice Week Ends (for this year)
- System Rationality Encounters Lifeworld Rationality: The SONI Approach to FGC
- In the News: Bruce Schenk of IIRP Canada
- Papers from the 12th IIRP World Conference
- Restorative Practices | Cooperative Grocer
- Restorative Justice and the Secure Estate: Alternatives for Young People
- Web Site of the Day -
- "Somebody Could Have Died That Day"
- Ted Wachtel Radio Interview in Milwaukee, WI
- In the News: Anderson Cooper Explores the Subject of Forgiveness
- Restorative Conference Facilitator Script
- 9-Year-Old Boy Suspended for Calling Teacher "Cute"
- Restorative Practices in the News
- Guidelines for Family Group Decision Making in Child Welfare
- Julia Steiny: ‘Tis the Season to Reexamine Kick-Out Culture | Education News
- A Film List Gleaned from RJI LinkedIn Group
- Scotland's first scheme to stamp out juvenile hate crime launched | News | Edinburgh | STV
- "The Prevention Researcher" Article Shows Restorative Practices Improves School Safety & Discipline
- Mary Ellen Mannix Interview about James's Project - Protecting Newborns
- Huikahi Restorative Circles
- Making a Bad Situation Worse?
- Circles Help Students Cope with the Stresses of the Holidays
- From the Archives: My Classroom’s Journey with Restorative Practices
- Restorative justice in a case of serious sexual assault — RJ Online
- Tearaway children ‘terrorise’ Scotland’s teachers - Education -
- Presentations from IIRP's 13th World Conference in Hull, UK | October 13-15, 2010
- Video of the Day - RJ in Peru
- Ending Violence Through Restorative Justice: Jan 16, 2012
- Unacknowledged Victims of State Executions
- Push Back Against School Pushout: Highlights from the Week of Action 2011 - YouTube
- Time to Think: Using Restorative Questions
- A New Year for Building Community
- Education Week: Safety & Restorative Practices | Matt Roth
- Welcome to Halifax
- An Introduction to the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program (NSRJP)
- Baltimore Curriculum Project and Restorative Practices: Transforming Schools & Neighborhoods
- Sample SaferSanerSchools Whole-School Change in Lancaster
- Presentations from IIRP's 14th World Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | June 15-17, 2011
- World's First "Restorative City": Hull, UK, Improves Outcomes of All Interventions with Young People, Saves Resources
- Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 1 (4)
- Building Campus Community
- New Book — Building Campus Community
- Prácticas Restaurativas en América Latina: Parte 1 (4)
- Proactive Circles for College Residences
- Responsive Restorative Practice on Campus
- Buxmont Academy Elementary School Opens in Pottstown
- Baby College: Restorative Practices Help Build a Future with At-Risk Families
- Structured Support and Accountability: Community Service Foundation's Restorative Reporting Centers
- Computer programs to assist people in expressing apology and getting to forgiveness
- American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Gives Award to Book Dealing with Restorative Justice
- Transforming Troubled Schools -
- Commitments to Reconciliation: A Review of Reconciliation and Architectures of Commitment: Sequencing Peace in Bougainville
- Event: Inclusive Restorative Practice – Enabling Participation
- Jamaica Celebrates Restorative Justice Week
- Event: Opening the School Gates 2012 Conference - March 6, 2012
- Philadelphia students, educators visit Liberty and Freedom high schools
- New Book - Circle in the Square by Nancy Riestenberg
- The Fruits of an Amazing Restorative Project in Hungarian Prisons
- John Braithwaite on Using Research to Invest in Crime Reduction
- Restorative Practices Build Community in the Residence Hall | University Business Magazine
- Follow up on Restorative Justice Week in Jamaica
- San Francisco Examiner Mentions Restorative Practices to Stop Bullying
- Oregon tribal courts deliver "restorative justice"
- Book Review: Commitments to Reconciliation: A Review of Reconciliation and Architectures of Commitment: Sequencing Peace in Bougainville
- Event: American Humane 2012 Conference
- Symposium on Youth Meanness and Cruelty
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Restorative Practices in Faith Communities
- BCP News: Restorative Practices Event at Hampstead Hill Academy
- IIRP's John Bailie Gives Keynote: Restorative Responses to Bullying, at Conference at Southern Connecticut State University
- Dublin Looks to Restorative Justice as One Solution to Anti-Social Behavior
- Mark Yantzi Talks About First Case Where Offenders Met Victims
- Prevention Researcher Invites Articles for a Forthcoming Issue on Restorative Justice and Youth
- "This is about transformative change and culture"
- Restorative Practices in San Francisco Public Schools Credited in Drop in Minority Suspensions
- FaithCARE: Creating Restorative Congregations
- The Offspring of Restorative Justice: Understanding the Power of Restorative Practices in Residential Communities
- Whole-school Change through Restorative Practices
- eForum Book Review, and A Just Peace for Syria
- Podcast of the Week
- Legislation, Penalties and Prisons: How Much Do They Promote Citizen Security (and How Much Do They Not)?
- Response to DOE Report on Unfair Discipline of Minorities in Schools
- Presentations from 15th IIRP World Conference | Bethlehem, PA, USA | August 1-3, 2012
- Restorative Practices and Unfair School Discipline Policies
- A Remarkable Community Project
- Radio Call-in Program with Ted Wachtel, March 30
- SF schools try to mend problems without suspension
- This Week's Audio Track
- Responding to "Ecocide" with Restorative Justice
- Victim's daughter meets IRA bomber: An interview with Jo Berry from RJOnline
- IIRP Publishes New Book — Family Power: Engaging and Collaborating with Families
- Restorative practices have been gaining prominence around the globe -
- Making Misbehavior a Teachable Moment
- Event: Restorative Justice and Sexually Harmful Behavior
- Washington State Enacts Restorative Justice for Youth
- A Case of Restorative Justice for Last Summer's London Riots
- Pennsylvania Approves 4-Day Institutes for Social Worker Continuing Ed
- Restorative Practices at the House of Love Soup Kitchen
- 5 amazing things I've heard during the Sycamore Tree Project
- Weekend Discussion #1: Helping, Fixing or Serving?
- Youth United for Change
- Enhancing Respectfulness Through Restorative Practices
- "Assault on Learning" Series Wins Pulitzer for Inquirer
- A Restorative Story at a Toronto High School
- 'Restorative justice' offers real benefits | The Des Moines Register |
- Salmon Fishing in the Yemen – Isn’t it about engaging community in a disconnected world!
- RJ in Prisons - MEREPS Final Publication is Freely Downloadable
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel Presenting at Three Major Conferences
- Connecticut Post Quotes Ted Wachtel
- Restorative Dialogue Week in Israel, May 13-17, 2012
- Neighborhood Justice Panels in Queen's Speech
- Youth apologize to community for graffiti
- Minnesota Department of Education describes how principals use restorative discipline practices | Twin Cities Daily Planet
- Protecting RAs from Burnout
- Oglala Sioux tribe in SD trying sentencing circles
- New ASCD Book Promotes Restorative Practices in Schools and Classrooms
- Report: Restorative Practices in Higher Education
- San Francisco Schools Reflect on the Year with Restorative Practices
- Restorative Approaches in Schools Mentioned at
- Pennsylania School District Adopts SaferSanerSchools Whole School Change
- IIRP books now available in popular e-book formats
- Video of the Day
- Social Bonding Is Key to Limiting Bullying
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel Begins Blogging at Huffington Post
- City of Lima, Peru Launches Program: "Give Back to Your City"
- Ted Wachtel on Nils Christie's Plenary at European Forum
- Restorative Justice Backed by over 95% of Crime Victims
- 2012 Colorado Restorative Justice Summit
- Article: Oakland Leads Way...
- "Live in Fragments No Longer. Only Connect."
- UK Readers: Restorative Justice Council Asks Members to Support RJ Legislation
- Colorado Bill Ends Zero Tolerance in Schools
- National Student Bill of Rights Movement
- Dr. Martin Wright Presented with European Restorative Justice Award
- 1st Person Account of the Day - An Offender's Point of View on a Restorative Justice Conference
- Leadership Is a Conversation - Harvard Business Review
- Schools Without Bullying
- On Cotton Candy and Restorative Parenting
- Update on Restorative Justice in Colorado - Anecdote & Code of Standards
- Building a Worldwide Restorative Practices Learning Network
- Fall Intensive: Oct 15-18 or Nov 12-15, 2012
- Video of the Day: In Their Own Voices
- Restorative justice for journalists who print inaccuracies?
- Resolving conflict in a UK youth prison using restorative practices
- Michigan Board of Education Joins Call to End Zero Tolerance
- Restorative Justice, Occupy Wall Street & Kay Pranis
- New Scheme for Young Shoplifters in Hull, UK
- Congratulations to the IIRP Graduate School Class of 2012!
- Students in Philadelphia Active for Changes in Discipline Policy
- Have Victims Been Left Out of Justice for Penn State Football?
- End Zero Tolerance Battle Continues in Maryland, Georgia, New York City
- Restorative justice: a way forward with the banks?
- 1st Day of the Conference
- Conference: Day 2 Roundup
- Day 3 Conference Roundup
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Event
- Steve Korr at IIRP World Conference
- IIRP UK & Ireland 2012 Conference on November 29
- Followup: Philadelphia revises conduct code
- More Evidence of African-American Students Suspended at Higher Rates
- More on Philadelphia's New Student Conduct Code
- Provocative Therapy
- West Berkshire reports dramatic drop in youth entering justice system
- Restorative city movement spreads to New Zealand
- Sunday Video #1
- Dignity in Schools: Model Discipline Code & Moratorium on Out-of-School Suspensions
- What's a Failing School?
- Public debate about principles of sentencing?
- Connecting the dots between brain research & restorative practices
- Sunday Video #2
- Bills influencing school disciplinary policies in California, plus a Colorado update
- Estelle Macdonald speaks in Wanganui, New Zealand about the "restorative city"
- Bethlehem school discipline infractions decline
- Sunday Video #3
- Haverford School District adopting restorative practices
- Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia offers restorative justice option for students
- Dr. Stacey Miller of UVM Plenary at IIRP #15 - Full Video
- Discipline in Education Update - Colorado & California
- Our Punitive Mindset Blinds us to Effective Discipline
- ACSA takes a look at restorative justice in higher education
- A shift away from zero tolerance will improve school discipline
- Dignity in Schools Week Annual National Week of Action on School Pushout
- Restorative Justice Today: Practical Applications
- Mother of young school child says restorative practices "puts the kibosh on bullying"
- The mounting cost of violence - Rep. Mike Honda
- Power U in Miami Helps Students Fight for Restorative Justice in Schools
- Sunday Video: Prisoner Reintegration
- Ancient justice finds new life
- Restorative practices where you find it – in business and in the family
- Restoring Your Bottom Line: Restorative Practices in Business
- Michigan State University videos
- Notes from the Netherlands
- IIRP UK & Ireland Hosts RP conference in Swansea Nov 29, 2012
- EdWeek Features Restorative Practices
- International Juvenile Justice Observatory 5th Biennial Conference
- Restorative Practices Reduces Bullying in Toronto Schools
- EU Directive Establishing Rights of Victims
- IIRP President to Speak at Utah Valley University Symposium on Restorative Justice & Death Penalty
- Eight Things Skilled Teachers Think, Say, and Do
- Restorative practices in Detroit
- Restorative Justice Effective for Youth in Surrey, UK
- New legislation introduced in UK to allow restorative justice for victims of adult offenders
- Restorative practices (?) in Long Beach, California
- Nova Scotia, Canada allocates $500,000 to restorative circle training for schools
- ACSA Webinar Followup
- IIRP instructor Lee Rush to present at international bullying prevention conference
- Colorado Restorative Justice Summit In Brief
- Notes on Restorative Practices in Schools
- Hull and Leeds: A tale of two restorative cities
- Cheyenne and Arapaho Spiritual Healing Run/Walk
- Impacts, remedies for childhood grief, trauma & adversity
- Restorative Justice Week(s)
- Early Real Justice research republished as a classic
- Online RJ Discussion at The Guardian
- Sunday video - short home made clip from Philadelphia
- Restorative Justice in the US Coast Guard
- Ministry of Justice publish new Restorative Justice Action Plan at the start of International Restorative Justice Week
- Talks in Bermuda about COSA for Sex Offenders
- Community-Led Restorative Justice
- Sunday Video: Terry O'Connell, Lyn Doppler & Rozelle Public Primary School
- Roundup of Restorative Justice discussion at the Guardian
- Dreaming of a more restorative justice system
- U.S. Senate hearing on ending the school-to-prison pipeline
- Youth arrests have significant impact on future
- Take Police Officers Off the School Discipline Beat
- Restorative Practices in Music Class
- Jennifer Lllewellyn visits Wanganui, New Zealand
- Followup on Senate school-to-prison pipeline hearing
- Peace Alliance presents free online program with IIRP's Steve Korr
- Restorative practices data from Hampstead Hill implementation
- Faith communities build healthy relationships, transform conflict with restorative practices
- Washington Post on school-to-prison pipeline hearing
- Leeds, UK and the "Family Learning Signature"
- New home for the National Center on Family Group Decision Making
- Presentations from the IIRP UK & Ireland 2012 Conference in Swansea, Wales: “Putting Theory into Practice: The Restorative Way”
- Restorative circle in alternative high school by community college mediation center
- Restorative justice, human rights and the law
- One-day conference announced in Salford, UK, June 20, 2013
- Restorative practices supported by state grant in York County, Pennsylvania charter school
- A restorative justice in schools anecdote in Education Week
- Radio interview on restorative justice
- John Bailie to speak at NYC symposium
- Suspensions linked to lower graduation rates in Florida study
- Restorative practices in Madison, Wisconsin schools
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility recommend restorative justice for reducing gun violence
- Dignity in Schools Campaign argues more police in schools not answer to gun violence
- Restorative practices in Detroit schools: An interview with superintendent Dr. Christopher Plum
- Should we forgive Lance Armstrong?
- Restorative justice practitioners respond to NYTimes
- 3-Day restorative school visitation program
- Sunday video - IIRP UK & Ireland's one-day conference 2012
- More about the Ann Grosmaire murder restorative justice conference
- Alfie Kohn explains why punishment doesn't work
- Ted Wachtel weighs in on Grosmaire case, restorative justice & forgiveness
- Using their words instead of their fists — Boys in Bethlehem, PA, USA, know how to be restorative
- Prevention Researcher full issue on restorative justice
- Schools in El Salvador embrace restorative practices
- "Fix School Discipline Toolkit" issued by Public Counsel Law Center
- Sunday video: Restorative justice in Oakland schools
- Restorative practices for Jamaican schools
- IIRP's Steve Korr takes part in unique partnership between schools and churches
- Education versus learning: Restorative practices in higher education
- Chicago high school transformation using restorative practices
- IIRP's Steve Korr gives keynote at ACSSW conference
- Sunday video: Restorative justice for industrial pollution!
- Many options for 4Day events
- Faith communities "host" restorative practices
- Detroit ramps up restorative practices implementation in schools and beyond
- Denver schools limit & define role of police, adopt restorative justice
- Sunday video: "What if it were your family?"
- Lorenn Walker adds to the discussion of the Grosmaire murder restorative justice conference
- Sunday video: Bullying and restorative practices
- Handling police complaints
- Experts say adding counselors best way to increase school safety
- Salford City, Manchester, UK, summer conference update
- Ending the schoolhouse to jailhouse track
- Students form sharing circles rather than play blame game
- Interview about restorative justice
- Director of Real Justice Australia Terry O’Connell video interview on criminal behavior, shame and self-awareness
- Pediatricians argue for end to zero tolerance in schools
- Local support for restorative justice with youth in Bradford, UK
- Lehigh Valley restorative zone initiative has first community meeting
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel to participate in webinar April 11
- Sunday video - a TedX talk by Jemma Jewkes on restorative justice in prisons
- Community circles in the business world
- Christian Science Monitor writes about restorative justice in Oakland schools
- "Restorative justice practices in every classroom," writes Ted Wachtel
- Crime victim Clare Topcu to speak at summer conference
- Restorative moving from Detroit schools to the community
- New report shows disproportionate rise of suspensions for black and Latino students
- A student analysis of the school-to-prison pipeline
- Terry O'Connell's work impacts schools, community and the business world
- Video: Director of Center for Civil Rights discusses new report
- Restorative conferencing at pre-sentence stage in Northern Ireland
- New IIRP affiliate brings restorative practices to Singapore
- Restorative practices reduce suspensions in Ontario school district
- RJ for violent offenders in Avon & Somerset, UK
- Restorative circles in schools in Lima, Peru
- Documentary on restorative justice on Māori Television in New Zealand
- A proposal to use restorative circles to respond to Boston bombings
- Davis, California launches restorative justice court diversion program
- Overview of restorative justice
- Louisiana considers recommending restorative practices, ending zero tolerance in schools
- A shift in conservative American thinking on justice?
- Restorative practices offers freedom from enslavement to school conduct codes
- Police chiefs discuss appropriate uses of diversionary restorative justice
- Racial epithet addressed with restorative circle, questions, process
- Dreaming of a New Reality: New book by Ted Wachtel
- Delaware forges partnership across youth-serving sectors
- Video: Philadelphia youth call for restorative justice in their schools
- Restorative Justice: An International Journal seeks submissions
- Australian school counselor visits North America for restorative practices immersion
- New law in Colorado will help make restorative justice available to all youth
- School Nurse News publishes article on restorative applications
- Voice of America broadcasts to Africa a segment about restorative practices in a U.S. school
- More use of restorative justice for young adults, urges report
- Peacebuilding in Rwanda through children's literature
- Focus on relationships, writes Ted Wachtel in the Philadelphia Inquirer
- Reports on interagency and neighborhood restorative practices project in Dublin, Ireland
- IIRP names two new professors
- Video: Family Group Decision Making: A child's perspective
- IIRP offers two new fully online courses
- Conference in the U.S. State of Maine promotes state-wide restorative justice
- Video: Diverse neighborhood in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, becoming a restorative zone
- Ted Wachtel HuffPo op-ed on school-to-prison pipeline
- IIRP receives grant to improve climate in Philadelphia schools
- Restorative practices in Hungarian prisons
- Restorative zones: IIRP's John Bailie to present at the Fourth National Conference on Restorative Justice
- Video: Katy Hutchison at TEDxWestVancouverED on restorative practices to resolve conflict and build relationships
- Family group conferences for adults
- Report: Teachers believe social-emotional learning critical to success in school, work, life
- Restorative Justice: An International Journal, 1st print edition now available
- IIRP UK & Ireland summer conference energizes participants
- Congratulations to the IIRP Graduate School Class of 2013
- Restorative Justice, Responsive Regulation & Complex Problems Conference 2014 : University of Vermont
- Citizen restorative justice? "Victim makes teen car prowlers face up to crime spree"
- Video: Mindfulness and restorative justice
- More funds for conferencing: Notes from New Zealand
- Trinidad attorney committed to reforming justice through restorative practices
- Restorative Justice for Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, their families & community
- Video: Carr Manor Restorative Practices
- NYC Comptroller's office recommends restorative practices in schools
- In US Republicans rethinking focus on prisons
- "Dreaming of a New Reality": Chapter 1
- Video: Family Group Decision Making: A mother's perspective
- Creative practice: Restorative justice through art
- Book Review: Restorative justice today: Practical applications
- Video: Teachers Unite advocates restorative justice
- Teacher from Costa Rica passionate about restorative practices
- "Stop and frisk" policies increase youth crime, study shows
- Retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice discusses RJ in Belgium, advocates more research in U.S.
- Restorative justice bill introduced in Massachusetts
- Aggression Replacement Training: New professional development & graduate course
- Video: Restorative approaches at Grey Court Comprehensive and St Richard's Primary Schools
- Offender on the impact of a restorative justice meeting
- Video: “Fixing juvie justice” on PBS
- Strengthening faith communities through restorative practices
- Audio: Restorative justice circles in a therapeutic boarding school setting
- Guest blog: Don't be distracted by the serious school incidents
- Newark, New Jersey, schools and police launch restorative practices project
- Book review: Rights & Restoration within Youth Justice by Theo Gavrielides
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel to keynote at Spalding University
- "Peace Building": Architecture and design as a restorative practice
- Restorative practices outcomes: One of the few things everyone agrees on
- Chernobyl Children's Project brings restorative practices to Belarus
- Restorative Justice: An International Journal publishes issue two
- Data: Suspensions in Boston & Ontario school districts down thanks to restorative justice
- Swansea, Wales, UK, on the path to becoming a restorative city
- Restorative justice in Los Angeles schools
- Video: Rethinking the impact of traditional justice
- New IIRP initiative creates European affiliate
- IIRP Canada's Bruce Schenk on keynote panel at National RJ Symposium
- Interview: Author Margaret Murray writes first "restorative mystery"
- Restorative practices can help close school-to-prison pipeline
- Video: The family group conference
- NIH to fund first randomized controlled trials for restorative practices in 14 Maine schools
- Guest blog: Faith groups and restorative justice
- Restorative practices in student conduct on college campus
- Video: Ted Wachtel illustrates restorative concepts with stories, research and quotes
- A restorative circle team builder around the IIRP World Conference
- Alternative justice pilot program rolled out in Seattle, Washington
- Fairfax, Virginia, developing restorative practices in schools, juvenile justice & policing
- Growing Fairness, a film and a social movement
- Audio: Sycamore Tree Projects presents outcome of 8-week prisons project
- Guest blog: Robert Koehler: Hope flows from hollow water
- Supporting families facing eviction with family group conferencing in the Netherlands
- Roundup: 2013 Week of Action Against School Pushout
- Restorative justice helps all parties
- Catholic schools adapt restorative practices
- Guest blog: Dr. Susan Leigh Deppe: Understanding emotion in restorative practices
- Video: Who are the bad guys in Britain's prisons?
- New Zealand tannery requests restorative justice after injuring workers
- University of Florida using restorative practices on campus
- Video: Restorative practices in criminal justice: Panel from 16th World Conference
- Restorative justice program gearing up in Solano County, California
- Graphic novelist Art Spiegelman features Si Lewen's "Parade" at Sydney Opera House
- Two art exhibits, from victims & offenders, help Brattleboro Community Justice Center celebrate 10 years
- Video: Restorative practices in schools: Panel from 16th World Conference
- IIRP presents restorative practices at summits on school-to-prison pipeline across New York State
- Guest blog/book review: Forging Justice: The goods on a good story
- Video: Restorative practices in faith communities: Panel from 16th World Conference
- Building strong school communities with restorative practices in San Francisco
- IIRP President Ted Wachtel to co-teach first fully online “gateway” course
- UK Ministry of Justice allocates 29 million pounds for restorative justice
- Video: Progress on the road to restore the Motor City
- IIRP Europe expands pan-European organization
- Toward a restorative Detroit: Transforming relationships in the Motor City
- Restorative practices shows promise for meeting new national school discipline guidelines
- January 2014 Restorative Practices News Roundup
- Restoring community and trust
- IIRP graduate Beth Alosi applies restorative practices at Ford Motor Company
- Schools across Ontario join forces, build restorative practices movement
- Restorative practices: Building a connected community of learners
- February 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- "Best school in the universe" says key is restorative practices
- Eliminating disparities in school discipline: Evidence and recommendations presented to Congress support restorative practices
- National research funds 15 urban schools to implement restorative practices
- Bethlehem, PA, student wins "Yes I Can" Award with help from restorative practices
- Ripple: A faith community makes waves with restorative practices
- March 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- Martin Wright reviews Forging Justice: A Restorative Justice Mystery
- April 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- Large youth agency uses restorative practices to keep "Youth Off the Streets"
- The right conversation: Terry O'Connell discusses work with students and parents
- Restorative justice changing the face of juvenile justice across Idaho
- What churches can learn from restorative practices
- May 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- Restorative responses to sexual abuse by clergy
- Restorative practices improve outcomes and relationships in criminal justice and education settings across Latin America
- Circle process helps hold youth accountable for drinking, driving, drug offenses
- Elementary school employs restorative practices to engage students in academics and respond to harm
- Las prácticas restaurativas mejoran los resultados y las relaciones en los entornos de justicia penal y educación en toda Latinoamérica
- June 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- Everyday restorative language helps parents of teens struggling with alcohol and drugs
- Jamaica on the long road to social restoration
- Theater and restorative practices circles
- Philadelphians invited to "Introduction to Restorative Practices"
- "I came here to cuss you out!" but admin. shows he cares
- Educating high-risk students
- July 2014 Restorative Practices News Roundup
- Serious offenders make a change
- Hungarian practitioner joins Trustees
- Accessing a global learning community
- Principal maintains authority and student dignity
- August 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- The power of the circle
- Study shows youth are less aggressive with restorative practices
- Three dates added: Philadelphians invited to "Introduction to Restorative Practices"
- September 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- U. Vermont Director joins IIRP Trustees
- Bullying: Should people meet face-to-face?
- Chicago fights school-to-prison pipeline restoratively
- Pittsburgh in groundbreaking project to make schools safer
- Ted Wachtel to retire as IIRP President
- Presentations and videos from the 17th IIRP World Conference
- Seventh graduating class champions restorative practices
- October-November 2014 restorative practices news roundup
- Workplace leaders model a new approach
- Bullying prevention and restorative practices can work together
- January 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Healing the dark undercurrent of sexual violence
- Video: Bullying prevention and restorative practices
- Netherlands' mayor invites village to a family group conference
- New Dutch law puts family power first
- February 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- UK needs nat. association of volunteer restorative practitioners
- IIRP Trustees elect member from Latin America
- Using circles
- A middle school heals after averting tragedy
- Taking a right stand with Nashville students
- March 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Action research in a Hungarian village
- Researcher and skilled practitioner joins IIRP faculty
- Restorative faith communities
- Pittsburgh to transform climate in 23 schools
- Building community at a Watts, Los Angeles, middle school
- Chaplain touts restorative justice for Canada's prisons
- Educators focus on school climate during summer break
- April 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Integrating School Climate Reform Efforts: Symposium Presentations & Readings
- Featured Presenter: Borbála Fellegi
- Featured Presenter: Vidia Negrea
- Understanding emotion helps people make changes
- When their school moved, students' voices mattered
- A radically new vision for education
- Baltimore students “circle up” to cope with unrest
- May 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Engagement and inclusion: The IIRP Europe Budapest Conference
- June 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Peace Alliance embraces restorative practices
- Working restoratively with Roma
- Can restorative practices prevent war?
- "Everybody has a voice in our school"
- From the Bronx and here to stay
- July 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Pittsburgh schools go restorative
- Hope for the future of school climate reform
- Principal: We'd revert to a negative environment if we quit restorative practices
- August 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Homicide victims’ families find strength to go on
- Teaching literature using Restorative Questions
- September 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- Restorative Conversations: Episode 1
- Dr. John Bailie's Inaugural Address
- Restorative Conversations: Episode 2
- October-November 2015 restorative practices news roundup
- School program cultivates virtue using restorative practices
- IIRP Class of 2015 paves new restorative roads
- Family engagement helps young people make positive change
- Helping refugees and the communities they impact
- Maine schools report positive preliminary result
- Buxmont students exhibit digital artwork
- Feeling good coming to work
- A hopeful future for Central America’s children
- Texas school turns it around
- The power of listening
- Empowering women, children and communities in Central America
- Change the conversation, change the culture
- Empoderando a mujeres, niños y comunidades en Centroamérica
- Visionary leadership creates bright prospects for Costa Rica
- Singapore has fun teaching "social discipline"
- Restorative Conversations: Episode 3
- Breaking down barriers in Costa Rica
- Time for a new dialogue on family violence
- Restorative practices can replace corporal punishment
- Leader in Asian & Pacific Islander Community joins Trustees
- Strachan Family Foundation embraces restorative practices
- Motivational Interviewing: Change through restorative dialogue
- IIRP founder taking restorative in new directions
- Helping people help themselves with Motivational Interviewing
- Motivational Interviewing is effective and restorative
- Rich learning for 300 restorative practioners at world conference
- Changing behaviors with restorative practices
- Circle up for Santa Claus
- Even standardized testing can be restorative
- Refugee camps ripe for restorative action
- Understanding the criminalization of black girls in schools
- Voice and choice in learning
- Speakers share how behaviors can change at Celebrating Restorative Works, a fundraising breakfast
- Life skills, digital arts teacher supports positive behavior with help of whole class
- CSF Buxmont teachers engage students in learning with restorative practices
- India begins journey to become restorative
- IIRP Featured News – September 2016
- CSF Buxmont starts school year setting “norms” with student circles
- Working together to build good relationships and behavior
- Building and sustaining a restorative city in Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Building social capital through participatory decision-making
- IIRP alumnus to present on his innovative college program at 21st World Conference
- Restorative practices takes a seat at the table for important national conversations
- Restorative justice and the future of racial dynamics
- NACRJ director to present on social justice at IIRP World Conference
- IIRP alumna from Trinidad experiences inclusion and community in classes
- Working restoratively asks for innovation every day
- Re-inventing media through Restorative Narrative
- Students and parents help reduce serious incidents
- Presentations from the 16th IIRP World Conference - October 21-23, 2013
- Presentations from the 17th IIRP World Conference - October 27-29, 2014
- Presentations from the 18th IIRP World Conference, June 10-12, 2015
- Why do we need restorative justice?
- Faculty Position Open at IIRP Graduate School
- Trainer Resources for Reimagining
- Putting Theory into Practice for Independent School Staff and Administrators Event
- Faculty
- Frida Rundell, Ph.D., LPC
- Craig W. Adamson, Ph.D.
- Gina Baral Abrams, Dr.P.H.
- Doug Judge, Ph.D.
- Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, Ph.D.
- Borbála Fellegi, Ph.D.
- Michael A. Washington, Ph.D.
- Zeau Modig, M.L.S.
- Mark Amendola, M.S., L.C.S.W.
- Michael G. DeAntonio, Ph.D.
- Mary Jo Hebling, M.S.
- Kevin Jones, M.S.
- Kaleigh Mrowka, Ph.D.
- Robert Oliver, Ed.D.
- Nicola Preston, Ph.D.
- Elizabeth Smull, M.R.P.Y.C.
- A. Miguel Tello, MACC, M.P.A., MAIS
- Pam Thompson, M.R.P.Y.C.
- Administration
- Linda J. Kligman, Ph.D.
- Michael Valdez Raffanti, Ed. D.
- Keith Hickman, M.S.
- Paul Leese, MBA
- Mary Jo Hebling, M.S.
- Jamie Kaintz, M.S.
- Melissa Ash, M.S.
- Craig W. Adamson, Ph.D.
- Gina Baral Abrams, Dr.P.H.
- Ryan Fenderson, Ed.D.
- John Glasgow, MBA
- Steve Grieger
- Pat Lewis
- Henry L. McClendon, Jr.
- Dinorah Quiñones
- David B. Reinfeld
- Jim Rippert
- Elizabeth Smull, M.R.P.Y.C.
- Jody Weaver
- Dana Yurgosky, MBA, PMP
- Dat Hoang
- Cassandra Magan
- Instructors
- Nikki Chamblee, Ph.D.
- Mike Azzalina, M.Ed.
- Kiyaana Cox Jones, M.S.
- Julia Getty, M.S.
- Jennifer Hiestand
- Whitney Howarth, Ph.D.
- Matthew Johnson, MPA
- Trisha N. Tinsley, B.A.
- Keisha N. Allen, D.Min.
- Sarah Barbour, M.S.
- Tawio Barksdale, Ed.D.
- Bill Boyle, M.A.T.
- Ashley L. Brown, Ed.D.
- Jennifer Coker, M.A.
- Elizabeth Dalzell, MS
- Joseph Devlin, M.R.P.Y.C.
- Sheryl Douglas, B.A.
- Graciella Drew, M.A.Ed.
- Chad Ferguson, M.Ed.
- Steve Fiedeldey, M.A.
- Shermont Robert Fox, Sr., M.A.
- Jeremias Garcia, M.S.
- Jeff Godowski, M.Ed.
- Peter Heineman, M.S.
- Michelle Kunnen, MS
- Rachel Kutney
- Lynne Lang, M.S.
- Julie Malloy, MPA, M.R.P.Y.C.
- Stephanie Natera, MSW, LCSW
- Suzanne Petersen, M.A.
- Eric Rainey, M.A
- Neil L. Ray, MSW
- Lee Rush, M.Ed.
- Dawn Schantz, M.S.
- Kate Shapero, M.S.
- Jeannette Siemers, M.Ed.
- Gina Sweet-Comrie, M.Ed.
- LeTicia F. Taylor
- A. Miguel Tello, MACC, M.P.A., MAIS
- Rodney Toulson, J.D.
- Ken Trautwein
- Nathan Waddell, MS
- Deanna L. Webb, M.S.
- Jen Williams, M.S.
- Susan Willson, M.S.
- Carla R. Young, MAT
- Academic Catalog and Student Handbook
- Collaborative Application
- Founding Partner Spotlights