For your reading pleasure, we now have the following titles available in Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks and Barnes & Noble Nook formats, for instant delivery and all priced at just under ten US dollars.
The Restorative Practices Handbook An introduction and guide to restorative practices covering practical techniques, tips and strategies, implementation guidelines and real-world stories of restorative practices in action.
Restorative Circles in Schools A practical guide to the use of circles, covering: how circles have been used in many diverse situations; use of proactive, responsive and staff circles; and the relationship of restorative practices to circle processes.
Building Campus Community A practical handbook on the use of restorative practices in campus residential life. It includes comprehensive implementation guidelines as well as numerous true stories — some enlightening, some comical, some poignant — about how the practices are being applied in higher education.
Family Power A new approach for working with families — epitomized by the process of “family group conferencing” (FGC) or “family group decision making” (FGDM) — seeks to strengthen this fabric by enlisting the collective power of families and their communities of care to address their own issues and solve their own problems.
Restorative Justice Conferencing Two volumes as an ebook: The official training manual that provides a step-by-step guide to setting up and conducting conferences; and the Real Justice book full of stories that show how conferencing works and how it can change the way our society responds to wrongdoing in schools, criminal justice, the workplace and elsewhere.