Prepare your team to teach others the key concepts of restorative practices designed for their professional development by completing our Fundamentals of Restorative Practices training, Restorative Practices in Higher Education training, and/or our Restorative Conferencing training. Learn how to assist in the sustainable implementation of restorative practices in your school or organization.

This interactive event teaches experienced restorative practitioners how to deliver the training modules to their own colleagues, using our materials to provide training either in person or online.

TOT Process 2

*For those interested in attending the Restorative Conferencing Training of Trainers, the specific expectation is that you facilitated, participated in, or at a minimum observed a restorative conference using the IIRP model.

**These books are available through the IIRP Bookstore.

This interactive training will include:

  • Review of IIRP training modules
  • Participant preparation and presentation of content.
  • Discussion of best practices for training implementation.
  • Professional development maps that include learning outcomes and objectives.
  • Suggestions for how to deliver the instruction online based on our years of experience with distance learning.
  • Support for creating modules unique to your situation, if you are unable to deliver the materials as suggested by the IIRP.
  • Facilitated conversation about the integration of the IIRP materials with other initiatives.

If you would like to learn more about the Training of Trainers event before continuing, please contact us.

Please Note:

  • All online events start at 12:00PM Eastern US and run 4.5 hours. In-person events start at 8:30AM in their local time zones.
  • If you require a purchase order, processing can take up to ten business days. Please allow for that in your planning and event date selection. Event capacities are limited, and seats are reserved as payments are received. 
  • The registration process for these events requires at least 5 business days. Please do not book any travel or accommodations for in-person trainings until the registration is confirmed.


Upcoming Training of Trainers Events

Do you have questions about becoming a trainer?

Contact Us
Phone: (610) 807-9221