Restorative Justice and Sexually Harmful Behaviour - learning from practice across Europe

26th June 2012
The Monastery, Gorton Lane, Manchester M12 5WF
£95 RJC Members; £120 standard rate
Early bird booking discount for non-members if booked before 18th May.

Both AIM and the Restorative Justice Council are pleased to announce a single day conference to examine from a European perspective the potential for the application of restorative approaches to cases of sexually harmful behaviour (SHB).

The day will consist of a short plenary to outline the issues around restorative practice in this area of sensitive and complex casework and a variety of workshops outlining how this has been taken forward in practice in England (AIM Project), Northern Ireland (Youth Conferencing Service), Denmark (The Janus Project) and Belgium (Bemiddelingsburo).

In addition, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation will consider how a restorative approach can contribute to assisting intervention work with the offender and support work with the victim.

The focus is upon engaging restorative practitioners to demonstrate what we have collectively learnt from the work, to compare/contrast practice from the four sites and examine how we might inform those working in the SHB field to consider restorative justice as a useful approach.

Restorative practitioners, youth offending team staff, secure-estate staff, those involved in addressing adolescent sexually harmful behaviour and those interested in how four nations have proceeded with cautious practice development in this sensitive area.

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