The Three Questions video series will feature new and innovative thinkers from the field of restorative practices and beyond. In each episode, a special guest will be asked three questions by John W. Bailie, Ph.D., IIRP President, that center around themes of leadership and organizational culture.

In Episode 1, you will hear from Zach Mercurio, Ph.D., author of “The Invisible Leader” and a researcher and consultant for Purposeful Leadership.

The three questions Zach answers are:

  • What is authentic purpose and why is it crucial for leaders and organizations today?
  • What is one key insight for boards and senior executives to take from his work on motivation and culture?
  • Looking ahead to the organizational and business landscape post-COVID, what are one or two challenges leaders should most be prepared to engage?

For more information about Zach and his efforts with the science and practice of meaningful work and purposeful organizations, visit or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Restorative Works Year in Review 2023 (PDF)

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