On October 21-23, 2009, nearly three hundred educators, social service,criminal justice and other professionals from 15 countries and 18 U.S.states gathered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, for the 12th IIRPWorld Conference, "Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, Part2." Like all IIRP conferences, the event was acclaimed by attendees asa wonderful opportunity to support each other’s efforts and sharesuccess stories and questions around restorative practices

On October 21-23, 2009, nearly three hundred educators, social service,criminal justice and other professionals from 15 countries and 18 U.S.states gathered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, for the 12th IIRPWorld Conference, "Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, Part2." Like all IIRP conferences, the event was acclaimed by attendees asa wonderful opportunity to support each other’s efforts and sharesuccess stories and questions around restorative practices.

Plenary Speakers:

West Philadelphia High School Discussion Panel — Restorative Practices and the Transformation at West Philadelphia High School
Jennifer Llewellyn — Restorative Collaboration: The Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program
Estelle Macdonald — My Restorative Journey and the Story of Hull, UK
Howard Zehr — Restorative Justice? What''s That?
Wilma Derksen — Understanding Victims of Crime and Their Need to Deal with the Victim/Offender Trauma Bond: The 15 Elements of the Crime Victim Detour
Frank Früchtel — System Rationality Encounters Lifeworld Rationality: The SONI Approach to FGC

Breakout Sessions:

(Papers voluntarily provided by presenters. These do not represent all breakout sessions)

John Bailie — Power, Authority and Restorative Practices
Cyndi Banks — Protecting the Rights of the Child: Regulating Restorative Justice and Indigenous Practices in Sudan and East Timor
Cindy Burstein, Tony Heriza, Howard Zehr — Community Arts and Restorative Practices: A Documentary Film and Dialogue
George Carlson — The Restorative Healing Model: Using Restorative Practices in Treatment
Tim Chapman, Hugh Campbell, Derrick Wilson — Toward a Restorative Society: Opportunities in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland
Timothy Coursen — Using Video as a Restorative Practices Tool: Establishing Communication Between Diverse Groups
John Cutro — Inner-City Violence Interruption Practices and the Restorative Framework: The Journey Continues
Les Davey — Restorative Practices in the Workplace: Case Studies and Workshop
Les Davey — UK “National Occupational Standards for Restorative Practices”: An Overview of the Recent Revision
David T. Deal, Joan Packer — Designing, Marketing and Implementing a School-Based Restorative Justice Program
Jan Peter Dembinski — Ready for Adolescence? How Argumentation Studies Can Help Restorative Practices Mature
Angie Dornai — Restorative Approaches: Promising Practices
Dawn Gilkes — How Personality Type May Affect Outcomes of the Restorative Justice Process
Addie E. Johnson, Janelle Brown, Tristen Lyon — Integrating Aggression Replacement Training and Restorative Practices
Roy Karp, Susan Maze-Rothstein — An Urban High School’s Restorative Peer Justice System Promotes Community and Student Discipline
Matthew S. Kuehlhorn — Taking Managerial Advice: Innovation and Restorative Justice
Dawn Lehman — Healing Trauma, Resolving Conflict, Ending Violence
Estelle Macdonald, Mark Finnis — Hull, UK: A Restorative City — In Conversation with the Hull Centre for Restorative Practices
Mary Ellen Mannix — Restoring Healthcare: Renewing Trustful Patient-Physician Relationships Through Education and Communication
David Mathews — Domestic Violence and Restorative Practices: Doing It in a Different Context
David Mathews — Restorative Parenting: Rebuilding Parent-Child Relationships in the Aftermath of Family Violence
Terry O’Connell, Lesley Oliver — Modeling, Team Formation and the Restorative Practitioner
Terry O’Connell — The Challenge of Restorative Practice in Correctional Settings
Terry O’Connell, Lyn Doppler — Why Is It So Hard to Get Restorative Practice to Stick?
Terry O’Connell — Why The Real Justice Script?
Finbarr O’Leary — Restorative Practices for Young People in Ireland: Historical Practices, Present Developments and Future Plans
Bruce Schenk, Terry O’Connell — The Ongoing Challenge of Introducing Restorative Practice in Canadian and Australian School Systems
Rodney Skager — Getting Adolescence Right: Essential Principles for Effective Communication
Gola Taraschi — Creating Safe Spaces for Scary Conversations: Restorative Practices as a Cultural Competency Tool
Sing Wing (Dennis) Wong, Sindy Sin-Ting Lee, Christy Choi-chun Pau, Ding-Kee Lai — Restorative Practices in Schools in Hong Kong/China


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