The July 2005 American edition of "Good Housekeeping", one of the top-selling magazines in the U.S., features a story on restorative justice called "Putting Out the Fire." The article tells the story of a family in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, whose house was destroyed in a random act of arson by two teenage boys. The article is reprinted here (PDF), with permission.
The July 2005 American edition of Good Housekeeping, one of the top-selling magazines in the U.S., features a story on restorative justice called "Putting Out the Fire." The article tells the story of a family in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, whose house was destroyed in a random act of arson by two teenage boys. The article is reprinted here (PDF), with permission.News & Announcements
Long-established Magazine "Good Housekeeping" Publishes Article on Restorative Justice
- Details
- Written by Diane Pretasky
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