Monday, the SF Examiner posted this piece "There’s more than one way to stop bullying in school" by Carlos A. Garcia, superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District. Some excerpts of the short piece include:

When students feel connected and safe at school, they learn better. Last year, 75 percent of students surveyed in high schools and 62 percent in middle schools reported “always feeling safe at school.” I would like to see this percentage grow to 100.

Bullying, which can include both physical harassment as well as verbal or online harassment, is not tolerated in the San Francisco Unified School District, where we investigate all reports of bullying. ...

Our schools devote time to teaching healthy conflict resolution and to promoting empathy and tolerance. Health education builds social skills and healthy relationships. ...

Additionally, schools have begun using a new system for discipline called restorative practices, in which a student who is bullying can learn firsthand how his or her actions affect the school community.

Read the full story at the San Francisco Examiner.

The San Francisco Unified School District plans to implement the IIRP's SaferSanerSchools Whole School Change Program district wide. Three schools have begun implementation: San Francisco Community School, Rosa Parks Elementary School and James Lick Middle School.

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