This summer IIRP president Ted Wachtel will be attending and presenting at three major conferences.

First, in Helsinki, Finland he'll be presenting at the 7th European Forum on Restorative Justice. This year's theme is "Connecting people - Linking Victims, Offenders and Community." Wachtel's presentation is titled "Improving School Climate Through Restorative Practices," and time will be made for questions and answers, as well. The conference runs June 14 to 16, 2012, and more information about it can be found here.

Also in June Wachtel will be presenting at the American Humane 2012 Conference on Family Group Decision Making
and Other Family Engagement Approaches: June 20-24, 2012 at the Disney Yacht & Beach Club Resort, Orlando, FL. The topic of the workshop will be "Family Power: Engaging and Collaborating with Families Every Day through Restorative Practices." This event looks to have quite an incredible slate of speakers and presenters. Here's the workshop description:

The implications of Family Group Conference (FGC) and Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) go beyond those formal processes to everyday interactions with families. This workshop highlights "restorative practices," an emerging social science based on the fundamental premise that those in authority will be most effective when they do things "with" people, rather than "to" them or "for" them. Based on his new book, "Family Power," the presenter will share a variety of explicit constructs and strategies that will help practitioners engage and collaborate effectively with children and their families.

Finally, Wachtel will present a keynote and a workshop in Singapore, August 16, at the Lutheran Community Services Conference (August 16-17). His keynote is titled "Restorative Practices: Creating a Unified Strategy for Democratizing Social Care, Education and Criminal Justice" and will include a question and answer session. The workshop will be on the subject, "Creating a Restorative Milieu for Effective Behavior Change." More information about this conference is to come.

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