
Jeannette Siemers, M. Ed. is cofounder and lead Restorative Practices Facilitator for Together in This, LLC and currently serves as Principal at a comprehensive high school in Duvall, Washington. She has been an educator since 2000, teaching every level from second grade to college. She finds great joy in growing alongside teenagers and their families in challenging situations. She uses Restorative Practices every day in her work.

Jeannette has been instructing with IIRP since 2018 and finds it a great honor and privilege to support school districts in their implementation of Restorative Practices. 

She resides in Kirkland, Washington and is a wife, mom of three (two human and one fur), servant leader and admirer of all humans. She volunteers in her local community in many different ways and enjoys baking on the weekends, not only as a form of self-care ritual and routine, but also to spoil her school staff.