Paper by Jeanette Schmid presented at the "2nd International Conference on Conferencing and Circles", August 10-12, 2000, Toronto, Canada.

Paper by Romola Trebilcock presented at the "2nd International Conference on Conferencing and Circles", August 10-12, 2000, Toronto, Canada.

Paper by Lorenn Walker presented at the "2nd International Conference on Conferencing and Circles", August 10-12, 2000, Toronto, Canada.

Paper by Les Davey presented at the "2nd International Conference on Conferencing and Circles", August 10-12, 2000, Toronto, Canada.

Papers from "Building Strong Partnerships for Restorative Practices," August 5-7, 1999, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

A report by Paul McCold on a four-site evaluation of Real Justice community conferences for juveniles in justice and educational settings during 1998-1999. Adobe Acrobat version (".pdf") also available.

Mike Doolan, Chief Social Worker for the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Agency, New Zealand, reports on ten years of family group conferencing in New Zealand. Presented at the "Building Strong Partnerships for Restorative Practices" Conference, August 5-7, 1999, Burlington, Vermont.

John Braithwaite, Australian National University, discusses how community involvement and empowerment in restorative justice processes can improve democractic participation and democratic competence. Presented at the "Building Strong Partnerships for Restorative Practices" Conference, August 5-7, 1999, Burlington, Vermont.

Berma Bushie of the Community Holistic Circle Healing project in Hollow Water, Manitoba, describes the use of healing circles as a response to sexual abuse in an Aboriginal community.

Paul McCold presents a broad overview of restorative justice practice during the last 30 years. Presented at the "Building Strong Partnerships for Restorative Practices" Conference, August 5-7, 1999, Burlington, Vermont.

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