The IIRP provides restorative practices curriculum materials for those who have completed our Training of Trainers event. Please do not share this curriculum or web link with those who have not completed the IIRP Training of Trainers for this event.

You may use this curriculum, and you are free to deliver and adapt these components, either in person or online, to meet your needs and that of your audience. These may not be shared, duplicated, or otherwise redistributed.

Restorative Conferencing

The Restorative Conferencing Curriculum provides a template to engage with those who cause and experience harm, along with related community.

All kinds of incidents, from arguments to bullying, racial incidents to property crimes and violence can be addressed in this format.

The elements of the conference can be broken out to inform less formal processes — including restorative circles, small impromptu conversations and one-on-one interactions. Skills you are able to teach include monitoring your own reactions in stressful situations, listening with empathy and creating shared understanding among conflicting parties.


The links below provide the most current training curriculum, including handouts, role plays, and videos for you to use in your trainings.

Recommended Books

We recommend the following book be purchased and distributed to all trainees, as it incorporates excerpts from the curriculum, the conference script, numerous anecdotes and applications, and more.

There are many other books and useful resources to be found in our bookstore.


* The IIRP provides this content in accordance with Fair Use under U.S. copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code, section 107). It is provided solely for individual learners' personal use for educational purposes; it may not be shared, duplicated, or otherwise redistributed. For further information, please visit the IIRP Graduate School Library.

Trainer Contact

If you have questions or technical issues, please contact

Additional Resources

We provide additional free resources that you may find useful in your trainings, including:


Presidential Paper Series

Restorative Works Magazine


Community Health