The IIRP is proud to announce that Trudy Junkroski is the 2020 recipient of the Shawn Suzch Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded in memory of Shawn Suzch, a young man who overcame adversity with courage and determination and gave his life for his country.

"One of the motivations for entering into this field of study is to support the implementation of restorative practices in response to serious crimes and incarceration," says Trudy. "At Everglades Correctional Institution in Miami, where I volunteer, incarcerated individuals in the Horizon program have become partners in building community and creating paths forward for those facing the challenges of life inside and outside of prison."

She adds, "I am a person who wants to step into difficult spaces, even when it's uncomfortable to do so. I am deeply grateful to receive the Shawn Suzch scholarship honoring his extraordinary life and the courageous partners in Shawn’s own journey. I look forward to proudly representing Shawn’s spirit in my own work and continued studies at IIRP."

Congratulations, Trudy!

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